
What teens have to say about The Pact Program.

I just wanted 2 thank every! From pacts i am libby’s mom and esp barb who always took her 2 her apts and for coming 2 watch her graduate her whole family is grateful this is such a great program keep up the great work


Well everyone seems to be posting updates.. here’s Landyn who will be 3 on the 19th and Lylah who is now a month old. ? Couldn’t have gotten this far without pact. I graduated, have a house, and my family. Finally engaged to be married August of 2019. ☺ Thanks for all the love, support, and advice!


I wanted go post an update too lol could never of gotten through high school without this program! Sophia is now 6 years old and is the best big sister ever! We just had another little girl in September!


Have seen lots of updates on here today so I figured I would do the same. I was 15 years old when I became pregnant with my oldest son and met Susan Lewis McFarland and began the Pact Prgrm. Meeting Susan and having this program as a resource saved and changed my life, forever. I can honestly say I don’t know what I would have done without this opportunity in my high school career. I graduated high school, started a part time job and full time college, got my first apartment, had my second child, graduated college, worked full time, went back to college for something different, graduated again, got a new full time job, had my third child, lost my dad three days after giving birth, switched from working in pediatrics to ob/gyne (where I currently am, and LOVE) and am now pregnant with baby number four, and couldn’t be happier. Has life always been easy? Heck no. Has it always been worth it? Absolutely. Coming from where I came from and going through what I have gone through has made me who I am today. My son Kameron will be turning 15 and going to high school, my daughter Kassidy will be turning 11 and going into 4th grade, my son Adam will be turning 4- he is in preschool, and the most amazing little boy ever. I am due Christmas Day with number four, and can’t wait to find out what we are having! I’m glad I listened to Susan when she told me I could do anything I wanted to do. I will forever be grateful for her and the things she taught me.❤️❤️


The Pact Program helped me with so many things. I don’t even know where to start… I went to school and graduated because you all believed in me and told me I could do it. You showed me that anybody can be a great parent it just takes patience and love! I thank you all for that!!


Just wanted to say… i love the PACT, and everything they’ve helped me with and done for me and Aiden.


I just wanted to thank everyone from the Pact Program. You all helped me so much with my oldest son, Carson, he will be 6 in august and starting the end first grade. I recently had my second child, Ryder, who is 15 months old. I wouldn’t have been able to get thought school and raising Carson with out you all. Mary, Anthony and anyone else I forgot….thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you all so much for helping me be the mom I am today.


My husband and I were 15 when our daughter Jade, was born. Michelle, Mary and Anthony helped us so much. The encouragement that they always provided made us believe we would be able to have a healthy, successful life with our daughter. Even after we graduated Michelle and Mary continued to offer their support­­ and advice and I truly believe they made a huge impact on the way our life has turned out. We have been married for 6 years now and have two more sons who are 7 and 1 and we run our own business. Jade will be 11 next week and going into the 6th grade. She has won multiple academic awards so far and is the most loving girl and big sister. Thank you all for everything you have done and continue to do!


I was in school when this program was at valley and when i found out that i was pg with my older son this was the best program they had in the school for the you moms i was also in the program a short time with my second son i think they should have the program available to the parents in school now that don’t have that advantage that we had when we where in school.


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5 + 8 =

When I was pregnant my Mom had told me a lady was coming to talk to me and that it was a program at school and I was do mad at her! I said she (Michelle) can come n talk to me but I’m not joining that program! Within one hour of sitting down with Michelle I knew it was going to be a wonderful program to be apart of not only for my sake but for child as well. I am forever grateful for Michelle, Mary, and Anthony. Such great ppl to look up 2. My son Brayden is now 8 years old… It’s hard to believe its been that long! Thank you all so much for all the support, encouragement, and most importantly all the parenting skills that I still use today!!!


I spent the evening speaking to teen parents tonight about the trials and tribulations of being a teen parent , a single father and succeeding in the world as a young parent for the Pact Program which I was a part of when I was in high school as I was a teen parent. I feel honored that I was picked to speak at the event and hope something I said will maybe help one of these kids out. ..it’s crazy I’m sitting here thinking 15 yrs ago when I was in their shoes I was scared shit less on life because I was just another “bad kid” who knocked up his girlfriend and most of the people around thought the worst of me and my future. And through all the bullshit over the past 15 years somehow I ended up proving them all wrong and actually getting my shit together and I would have never thought I’d be 32 married with 3 kids , a successful career and business speaking at events for teens, being awarded for charity work with toys for tots, hosting events for the city and the jeannette business association, having my work shop being featured in multiple publications and actually doing something with my life. Most of the people I hung out with in high school ended up in jail or unfortunately in the ground. It’s sad and I love all my people but it’s true and somehow I didn’t and I’m blessed . It took me tonight talking to these kids and looking at them and seeing my self at their age to realize how far I’ve come . Not looking for attention just felt like sharing. It just kinda all sunk in tonight.
